Careers at Derby Pride
Our Careers provision is tailored to meet the differing needs, aspiration and requirements of our students. We are fully committed to ensuring that all of our students acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to support learning and preparation for intended destinations. Careers education is an integral part of our school ethos and curriculum. We strongly value its importance in preparing students for life beyond school as resilient and independent individuals equipped with the skills to make informed decisions and to participate in the wider community and beyond. We prepare students for their intended destination through a progressive careers programme.
Our Careers Programme is integrated into the students’ experience of the whole curriculum and based on a partnership with key stakeholders. The programme is designed and structured to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks and the wide range of needs of our students.
Derby Pride Academy are working strategically with a number of key education partners including the Careers and Enterprise Company and D2N2 to make sustainable links with industry, community business and wider stakeholders. We have successfully established links with a range of employers to support careers provision in school. We have strong links with further education colleges and specialist training providers.
Our students transition to a range of destinations within the community and beyond. Some may choose to transition to a Further Education college, apprenticeship and paid employment. In some cases, students will return to their mainstream schools after a successful placement. Our Careers Programme aims to raise aspiration and develop our students’ self-belief and independence skills.
Key documents/guidance for staff, students, parents/carers and employers
Student & Parent/Carers Resources and Links
Local Colleges
Derby College
Nottingham College
Confetti Studios
UTC Derby
Bilborough College
West Notts College
Burton & South Derbyshire College
Chesterfield College
Qualification Level (what level am I?)
When you are thinking about apprenticeships and college applications, give some
thought to the level that you are going to be studying at, and the qualification you will
finish with. Generally, you move up through the qualification levels, but sometimes you
may have to consider a lower-level qualification to get the basic skills. For example, you
may have to complete a Level 1 and/or 2 course in construction to show that you have
developed the basic skills and knowledge, before moving onto a Level 3 course.
Mrs Ellis Hopkinson
Assistant Headteacher
If you would like further information about our careers programme please contact Mrs Ellis Hopkinson on 01332 349616 or email info@derbyprideacademy.co.uk
Our Enterprise Coordinator is Helen Guyatt from D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Bursary Information
There is limited financial help available to people in some circumstances. Please see https://www.gov.uk/1619-bursary-fund for more information.
Below you will find specific links (click on the provision) to some of our more popular post-16 destinations showing details of the bursaries they offer: