Latest News 

All the latest news at Derby Pride Academy, including special events, curriculum coverage, careers, enrichment, trips and visits.

Behind the Scenes at Tesco

Behind the Scenes Tour at TescoKS3 visited Long Eaton Tesco for an all access, behind the scenes tour at Tesco Long Eaton, with the store's community champion Michelle. Students had the opportunity to find out how bakery products are made, the process of making bread...

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As part of their careers provision, students in Year 10 visited Morrisons Flowerworld and looked at the production line, dispatch and storage. Students got to make their own bouquet of flowers and had a talk on the variety of  apprenticeships which are offered by...

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As part of their Enrichment offer, students visited Meadowhall on a shopping trip taking the train from Derby Train Station. 

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Football Match Vs The Bridge Academy

Students at DPA played their third competitive fixture against The Bridge Academy at the Racecourse on a damp and drizzly day. DPA were proudly wearing their brand new kit and handed and responded well to an early setback with 3 quick fire goals to take control of the...

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NEW Football Kit for DPA

 We are proud to showcase our brand new football kit, which was worn for the very first time in our school fixture against The Bridge Academy at the Racecourse on Thursday 23 January. We would like to thank our sponsors SYENSQO who purchased the full kit for students...

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