How we support SEND at DPA
Derby Pride Academy strives to educate all of its students within an environment where the traditions of learning, respect and community are promoted. Derby Pride Academy is an inclusive alternative provision establishment where diversity is celebrated.
As an Alternative Provision Academy, we do not specifically accept admission of children and young people with an Education, Health and Care plan. The exception to this is where a child or young person has been diagnosed and gained an Education, Health and Care plan while currently accessing education within the academy at KS4. Within these circumstances, it is possible for the child or young person to remain with the academy if the following is correct:
· The needs of the child are best met in the academy
· An additional transition would detrimentally affect the child
· The child is already making good or better progress and parental preference is to maintain the education in place with additions as mandated in the plan
Derby City & Derbyshire Local Offer
As part of the Special Needs and Disability (SEND) reforms, local authorities are required to have published a Local Offer by 1st September 2014. The Local Offer sets out, in one place, information about education, and health and social care provision for children and young people in the area who have SEN or are disabled.
Derby City & Derbyshire’s Local Offer website signposts families to school websites for further information about the SEN provision available locally.
Our Special Educational Need Coordinator (SENDCo) is Dr Alison Bruce. Dr Bruce welcomes communication with parents about our academy offer and can be contacted via email at or via phone at 01332 349 616.
Key Documents