Diversity and Equality
An academy where everyone feels valued
Derby Pride Academy is committed to the active promotion of equality and opportunity for all.
Derby Pride Academy is an inclusive alternative provision establishment where we focus on the well-being and progress of every pupil and where all members of our community are of equal worth. As a school, we are committed to equality and diversity.
We accept that the community of the academy consists of a diverse population of people. That diversity consists of visible and non-visible differences which include factors such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnerships (for employees), maternity and pregnancy, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sex (including transgender people) and sexual orientation. We work on the premise that harnessing these differences will create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued, where their talents are being utilised and in which we are all meeting the goals of the academy.
We will not discriminate either;
- directly – by treating someone less favourably than we treat or would treat other because of one of the protected characteristics,
- indirectly – by imposing a provision/criterion/practice,
- by association – because of someone’s association with a person with a protected characteristic,
- When someone makes a complaint about discrimination or supports someone else’s claim; or
- because of something rising from a Disability.
Our objectives 2022-2026 are:
- Objective 1: All students, regardless of gender, sex, race or religion feel safe at school.Why we have chosen this objective
Derby Pride Academy is committed to eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation by removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by staff and students alike due to their protected characteristics. By analysing students, staff and pupil questionnaires, we aim to ensure that all the members of the Derby Pride School community feel safe and accepted.
- Objective 2: To promote equal opportunities form its entire workforce, tackling any issues of discrimination if it occurs.Why we have chosen this objective:
Derby Pride Academy are committed to increasing awareness of equalities, diversity and inclusion. This will be done by improving communication and training as well as ensuring that all new staff employees will undertake equality training and all managers will also undertake training in the equality duty.
Derby Pride Academy will aim to achieve this objective by celebrating and embracing cultural diversity by ensuring that diversity is a strand that runs throughout the curriculum.
Objective 3: To ensure that diversity is celebrated across the curriculum in all subject areas.Why have we chosen this objective
- All students, regardless of gender, sex, race or religion feel safe at school.
- Derby Pride Academy will promote equal opportunities for its entire workforce, tackling any issues of discrimination if it occurs.
- To ensure diversity is celebrated across the curriculum in all subject areas
How it will be achieved
- PSHRSE lessons
- Staff on duty at breaks and lunchtime
- Increase awareness of equalities, diversity and inclusion through communications and training
- Ensure that all new employees undertake equality training and all managers undertake training in the equality duty
- Positively reinforce and promote it through Personal Development and PSHCE lessons
- Relevant diversity topics integrated throughout the curriculum
- Focused interventions, aimed at addressing and educating students.
Success Indicators
- Student and parent questionnaires show that students are well supported and safe in school.
- Improved understanding of the equality duty by employees.
- Improved understanding of the protected characteristics by employees.
- No discrimination, bullying and harassment across the organisation.
- Decrease in number of reported incidents of bullying and harassment.
- Staff and student survey.